Who's Gonna Cook for Grandma? Adrienne Fudge - 40 Dreams Catering

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Your tax dollars help pay for home-delivered meals for the elderly that can either be cooked & delivered within a recipient's community, or cooked, frozen, and delivered from across the country? Adrienne Fudge, of 40 Dreams Catering, provides the former & is determined to maintain her community-based model, no matter how big she gets. In this episode, we are joined by Charles Rosen of Ironbound Farms to discuss Adrienne's methods & benefits relative to her giant, PE-backed, national competitor, Mom's Meals.


Some Interesting Info About the Things Discussed in this Episode (click on each line to be taken to article)

Even the most values-driven people who want local businesses to thrive can’t seem to give up Amazon

The rise of corporate lobbyists (for every $1 spent by labor unions and public interest groups combined, corporations spend $34)

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