A Sustainability Solution that Fits Like a Great Pair of Jeans - Beth Esponnette - Co-founder, Unspun

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Perhaps the answer to many intractable problems is to use technology to bring back the things from our past that worked. Beth Esponnette, co-founder of Unspun, is using tech to take us back to the day when clothing was custom made and built to last. This approach solves most problems inherent in today's fashion industry, and gives customers of all shapes and sizes clothing that fits. Yes, a better planet AND clothing that fits. Beth joins Doug to discuss all of it.

Some Interesting Info About the Things Discussed in this Episode (click on each line to be taken to article)

Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2019

“Fashion’s Dirty Little Secret” - Forbes Magazine looks at the amount of inventory that gets destroyed by the fashion industry. a/k/a Deadstock

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